Monday, April 14, 2008


At the rate technology is going, many experts are predicting that the most valuable commodities of the future will be creativity, innovation, and new ideas because computers will be able to take over many of the jobs today that don't involve creative thinking. New ideas, creativity, and innovation all comes from the "artist" or "child" within us who's not afraid of exploring new combinations and associations.

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. - Pablo Picasso

The "survivor brain" inside of us will shun exploring new territory, it loves repetition because it is "safe". But we must remember, as we allow ourselves to create, we are to measure our growth according to progress and not perfection (which the "censor" will do with comments like, "What a lame drawing that is! How stupid is that line!")

So as you explore your creative gifts, don't be afraid to mess up because we all need to start somewhere and what we create tomorrow will most likely be better than today. We need to continue on that process to get to where we want to be, expressing who we are and the unique creativity that God's placed in all of us. Proverbs 24:16 is a good reminder to all of us on the path of living out the God-given desires of our heart: A righteous man falls seven times and gets back up.

Here's a quote from John Kao at a recent conference who is known as "Mr. Creativity":

"We're living in an era of great instability and turmoil - in both the positive as well as the negative sense. And I think that individuals and organizations are now in a continuous state of re-evaluating what they want, what is possible, how can they exploit new opportunities. And creativity is the capability that allows realization of this. Without creativity, we are nothing. Without creativity, we're really condemned to do the same old thing."

Check out this video about "Education and Creativity":